Oh! The Places I Have Gone!
As an avid traveler, I’ve journeyed far and wide. I take pride in having the means to travel and experience other cultures. These adventures make for great stories and I’m often left with many fond memories to recollect. So I wanted something to document my travels and remember them by.
I could have easily pinned a map like many so often do, but that’s cliche and boring. Ergo, I decided to put my infographic skills to use and make something cool. And voila! There you have it; a visual representation of my travels to date.
Well it didn’t quite happen overnight per say, but involved a lot of rummaging through old photos, travel documents and tickets to verify data of the sort. In doing so, you start to notice patterns in the types of places you often frequent and enjoy. For instance, it’s pretty safe to say that I’m beach bum and enjoy warm coastal destinations over inland cities with cooler climates.
Not only does the visual graph detail each stay by mode of transportation, climate, activities and so forth, but collectively categorizes my travels into vacations gone with family and those gone with friends.